Health and Wellness Center 

 Office Hours:

Monday – Friday 8:00am – 4:30pm
Pharmacy Hours: 8:00am - 4:30pm

**Closed on weekends & specific Holidays**

Patient Scheduling

All patients will be asked to register every time they use the SMHWC. We kindly ask that you bring along your current insurance coverage and provide us your address and current cell phone number. Patients may also be asked to provide enrollment verification to our PRC department.


Direct Service Eligibility

Make an appointment today with the following staff:

Medical Appointments
Dental Appointments
Behavioral Health Appointments

Register with one of the following:

Registration Clerks

Sharlene White

Phone: (715) 793-5082

Rebecca Hebert


Phone: (715) 793-4144

Bring all your medications to every appointment 


New Patient/PRC Update Form
IHS Food Handlers Training

Latest News & Upates...

Share the Care Survey
Health Center Events & Postings
COVID-19 Testing Location Moved
Patient Satisfaction Surveys
Lab Work Appointments


Anyone in need of Women, Infants, and Children (WIC) services please call  Casey Rosenberg, RD at 715-793-5006.